Journal Articles
34. Mark Kelly, Matthew McKinley, Guangpeng Liu, and Chengzhi Shi, Evaluation of inner product–based demultiplexing of vortex-based underwater acoustic communications signals in realistic environments, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 156, 3112–3117 (2024).
33. Michael Rouleau, James Keller, Jason Lee, Steven R. Craig, Chengzhi Shi, and Julien Meaud, Numerical and experimental study of bistable buckled beams, Journal of Sound and Vibrations 576, 118291 (2024). [PDF]
32. Mark Kelly, Zheguang Zou, Likun Zhang, and Chengzhi Shi, Ray tracing model for long-range acoustic vortex wave propagation underwater, Frontiers in Acoustics 1, 1292050 (2023).[PDF]
31. Howuk Kim, Bohua Zhang, Huaiyu Wu, Junjie Yao, Chengzhi Shi, and Xiaoning Jiang, Vortex-ultrasound for microbubble-mediated thrombolysis of retracted clots, Applied Physics Letters 123, 073701 (2023).[PDF]
30. Alessandro R. Howells, Phoebe J. Welch, John Kim, Craig R. Forest, Chengzhi Shi, and Xiaojun L. Lian, A drug-selectable acoustic reporter gene system for human cell ultrasound imaging, Bioengineering and Translational Medicine 9, e10584 (2023).[PDF]
29. Mark Kelly and Chengzhi Shi, Design and simulation of acoustic vortex wave arrays for long-range underwater communication, The Journal of Acoustical Society of America Express Letters 3, 076001 (2023). [PDF]
28. Bohua Zhang, Huaiyu Wu, Howuk Kim, Phoebe J. Welch, Ashley Cornett, Greyson Stocker, Raul G. Nogueira, Jinwook Kim, Gabe Owens, Paul A. Dayton, Zhen Xu, Chengzhi Shi, and Xiaoning Jiang, A model of high-speed endovascular sonothrombolysis with vortex ultrasound-induced shear stress to treat cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, Research 6, 0048 (2023). [PDF]
27. Phoebe J. Welch, David S. Li, Craig R. Forest, Lilo D. Pozzo, and Chengzhi Shi, Perfluorocarbon nanodroplet size, acoustic vaporization, and inertial cavitation affected by lipid shell composition in vitro, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 152, 2493-2504 (2022). [PDF]
26. Michael Rouleau, Steven R. Craig, Yiwei Xia, Roy Shieh, Major L. Robinson, Chengzhi Shi, and Julien Meaud, Nonlinear dynamics of a bistable system impacting a sinusoidally vibrating shaker, Nonlinear Dynamics 110, 3015-3030 (2022). [PDF]
25. Arvind Krishna, Steven R. Craig, Chengzhi Shi, and V. Roshan Joseph, Inverse design of acoustic metasurfaces using space-filling points, Applied Physics Letters 121, 071701 (2022). [PDF]
24. Steven R. Craig, Bohan Wang, Xiaoshi Su, Debasish Banerjee, Phoebe J. Welch, Mighten C. Yip, Yuhang Hu, and Chengzhi Shi, Extreme material parameters accessible by active acoustic metamaterials with Willis coupling, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 151, 1722-1729 (2022). [PDF]
23. Bin Dong, Chengzhi Shi, and Robert G. Parker, PT symmetric dynamics in counter-rotating gyroscopic mechanical systems, AIP Advances 11, 125224 (2021). [PDF]
22. Chengzhi Shi, Developments in Acoustic, Phononic, and Mechanical Materials for Wave Control, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 7, 108 (2021). [PDF]
21. Jiaming Hu, Junyi Wang, Yu Xie, Chengzhi Shi, and Yun Chen, Finite Element Analysis on Acoustic and Mechanical Performance of Flexible Perforated Honeycomb-Corrugation Hybrid Sandwich Panel, Shock and Vibration 2021, 9977644 (2021). [PDF]
20. Xue Jiang, Chengzhi Shi, Zhenglu Li, Siqi Wang, Yuan Wang, Sui Yang, Steven G. Louie, and Xiang Zhang, Direct observation of Klein tunneling in phononic crystals, Science 370, 1447-1450 (2020). [PDF]
19. Steven R. Craig, Phoebe J. Welch, and Chengzhi Shi, Non-Hermitian complementary acoustic metamaterials for imaging through skull with imperfections, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 6, 55 (2020). [PDF]
18. Steven R. Craig, Jeong Hun Lee, and Chengzhi Shi, Beamforming with transformation acoustics in anisotropic media, Applied Physics Letters 117, 011907 (2020). [PDF]
17. Xue Jiang, Chengzhi Shi, Yuan Wang, Joseph Smalley, Jianchun Cheng, and Xiang Zhang, Nonresonant metasurface for fast decoding in acoustic communications, Physical Review Applied 13, 014014 (2020). [PDF]
16. Chengzhi Shi, Rongkuo Zhao, Yang Long, Sui Yang, Yuan Wang, Hong Chen, Jie Ren, and Xiang Zhang, Observation of acoustic spin, National Science Review 6, 707-712 (2019). [PDF]
15. Steven R. Craig, Phoebe J. Welch, and Chengzhi Shi, Non-Hermitian complementary acoustic metamaterials for lossy barriers, Applied Physics Letters 115, 051903 (2019). [PDF]
14. Steven R. Craig, Xiaoshi Su, Andrew Norris, and Chengzhi Shi, Experimental realization of acoustic bianisotropic gratings, Physical Review Applied 11, 061002 (2019). [PDF]
13. Steven R. Craig and Chengzhi Shi, Evolution of engineering acoustic waves with metamaterials, Evolutions in Mechanical Engineering 1, 000509 (2018). [PDF]
Prior to 2018
12. Chengzhi Shi, Marc Dubois, Yuan Wang, and Xiang Zhang, High-speed acoustic communication by multiplexing orbital angular momentum, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 114, 7250-7253 (2017). [PDF]
11. Marc Dubois, Chengzhi Shi, Yuan Wang, and Xiang Zhang, A thin and conformal metasurface for illusion acoustics of rapidly changing profiles, Applied Physics Letters 110, 151902 (2017). [PDF]
10. Marc Dubois, Chengzhi Shi, Xuefeng Zhu, Yuan Wang, and Xiang Zhang, Observation of acoustic Dirac-like cone and double zero refractive index, Nature Communications 8, 14871 (2017). [PDF]
9. Chengzhi Shi, Marc Dubois, Yun Chen, Lei Cheng, Hamidreza Ramezani, Yuan Wang, and Xiang Zhang, Accessing the exceptional points of parity-time symmetric acoustics, Nature Communications 7, 11110 (2016). [PDF]
8. Chengzhi Shi, Steven W. Shaw, and Robert G. Parker, Vibration reduction in a tilting rotor using centrifugal pendulum vibration absorbers, Journal of Sound and Vibration 385, 55-68 (2016). [PDF]
7. Chengzhi Shi and Robert G. Parker, Vibration mode structure and simplified modeling of cyclically symmetric or rotationally periodic systems, Proceedings of Royal Society A 471, 20140672 (2015). [PDF]
6. Xuefeng Zhu, Hamidreza Ramezani, Chengzhi Shi, Jie Zhu, and Xiang Zhang, PT-symmetric acoustics, Physical Review X 4, 031042 (2014). [PDF]
5. Brian J. Olson, Steven W. Shaw, Chengzhi Shi, Christophe Pierre, and Robert G. Parker, Circulant matrices and their application to vibration analysis, Applied Mechanics Reviews 66, 040803 (2014). [PDF]
4. Chengzhi Shi and Robert G. Parker, Vibration modes and natural frequency veering in three dimensional, cyclically symmetric centrifugal pendulum vibration absorber systems, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 136, 011014 (2014). [PDF]
3. Chengzhi Shi and Robert G. Parker, Modal structure of centrifugal pendulum vibration absorber systems with multiple cyclically symmetric groups of absorbers, Journal of Sound and Vibration 332, 4339-4353 (2013). [PDF]
2. Chengzhi Shi, Robert G. Parker, and Steven W. Shaw, Tuning of centrifugal pendulum vibration absorbers for translational and rotational vibration reduction, Mechanism and Machine Theory 66, 56-65 (2013). [PDF]
1. Chengzhi Shi and Robert G. Parker, Modal properties and stability of centrifugal pendulum vibration absorber systems with equally spaced, identical absorbers, Journal of Sound and Vibration 331, 4807-4824 (2012). [PDF]

Recent News
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the University of Toledo. (April 2024)
- Our lab has moved to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. (January 2024)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech. (September 2023)
- Professor Shi organized and chaired the “Vibration and Stability of Mechanical Systems” session at the ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conference. (August 2023)
- Professor Shi gave an invited talk at the 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics in Paris, France. (July 2023)
- Mark Kelly won the Best Student Paper Award First Prize from the 184th Acoustical Society of America Meeting in the Underwater Acoustics session. (May 2023)
- Professor Shi organized and chaired the “Brian and Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging” session at the 184th Acoustical Society of America Meeting. (May 2023)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the University of Michigan. (April 2023)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the University of California, Berkeley. (February 2023)
- Our work on vortex ultrasound thrombolysis was highlighted by Physics World, ASME, NSF, Medical Dialogues, Science Daily, The Engineer, etc. (January 2023)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the Rutgers University. (November 2022)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. (October 2022)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology of Georgia Tech. (October 2022)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the META Series of the Imperial College London. (October 2022)
- Phoebe Welch received the Christopher Ruffin Graduate Leadership Award (May 2022)
- Professor Shi won the prestigious Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program (ONR YIP) Award. (January 2022)
- Professor Shi won the prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program (NSF CAREER) Award. (January 2022)