2021 Seattle ASA Meeting

High-speed acoustic communication through orbital angular momentum multiplexing
High-speed underwater communication is desired as we have more and more interactions with the ocean. Our everyday high-speed communication networks based on microwaves are not working underwater due to the strong absorption. Lights are not better due to the scattering. This is why acoustic waves (SONAR) is mainly used for underwater communications. But the low available frequency of sound waves limits the communication speed. Here, we use the multiplexing of orbital angular momentum to increase the information capacity of a single acoustic beam, and hence the communication speed.
Recent News
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the University of Toledo. (April 2024)
- Our lab has moved to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan. (January 2024)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech. (September 2023)
- Professor Shi organized and chaired the “Vibration and Stability of Mechanical Systems” session at the ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conference. (August 2023)
- Professor Shi gave an invited talk at the 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics in Paris, France. (July 2023)
- Mark Kelly won the Best Student Paper Award First Prize from the 184th Acoustical Society of America Meeting in the Underwater Acoustics session. (May 2023)
- Professor Shi organized and chaired the “Brian and Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging” session at the 184th Acoustical Society of America Meeting. (May 2023)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the University of Michigan. (April 2023)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the University of California, Berkeley. (February 2023)
- Our work on vortex ultrasound thrombolysis was highlighted by Physics World, ASME, NSF, Medical Dialogues, Science Daily, The Engineer, etc. (January 2023)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the Rutgers University. (November 2022)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. (October 2022)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology of Georgia Tech. (October 2022)
- Professor Shi gave an invited seminar at the META Series of the Imperial College London. (October 2022)
- Phoebe Welch received the Christopher Ruffin Graduate Leadership Award (May 2022)
- Professor Shi won the prestigious Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program (ONR YIP) Award. (January 2022)
- Professor Shi won the prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program (NSF CAREER) Award. (January 2022)